
Thanyathip Brand, beautiful seeds, fragrant and soft

Khaosan Thanyathip Brand Is jasmine rice Beautiful seeds, full of seeds, not broken pieces. The length of the grain from 6.61-7.50 mm. Easy to cook. The rice is soft and delicious. The fragrance is li...
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บริษัท นานาพรรณ ซีด แอนท์ เกรน จำกัด

Member Name : Miss โชติกา พิศาล เบอร์โทร / Line / Email

Miss โชติกา พิศาล เบอร์โทร / Line / Email

Khaosan Thanyathip Brand Is jasmine rice Beautiful seeds, full of seeds, not broken pieces. The length of the grain from 6.61-7.50 mm. Easy to cook. The rice is soft and delicious. The fragrance is like jasmine. The seeds are sorted, beautiful, full, not broken Get complete nutritional value Received the Harvest King trademark, which is currently recognized for its quality and is well known in the worldwide market. Deliver a special meal for you and your loved ones by choosing premium quality rice without contamination from Thanyathip Intertrade, and every bag of Thanyathip Jasmine Rice has been selected with quality raw materials and has been processed through production. Modern Produced and distributed by Thanyatip Intertrade Co., Ltd. Distributor of agricultural products both domestic and imported products. In the form of retail for domestic consumption With a wide variety of well-known and popular products including Thanyathip Brand, Popcorn Brand, "Chef" Brand Thanyathip Brand Rice is rich in many nutritional values as follows: Energy, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin. Vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and many others. In addition, jasmine rice also has many properties that are good for health. Let's see how good jasmine rice is good for our body. Thanyathip Intertrade Co., Ltd. 1. Helps reduce cholesterol levels in blood Because jasmine rice contains substances Gamma-Orzanol That has properties to help reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood Make the circulatory system work more efficiently. 2. Reduce the risk of chronic disease. Helps reduce the risk of heart disease, liver disease, diabetes and amnesia. 3. Helps reduce the risk of fatal arteriosclerosis and hypertension in the future. 4. Increase HDL levels in The body, which is considered to be the good fat that helps various systems in the body work in harmony with each other. Help to have enough HDL fat to meet the needs of the body. 5. Metabolic system works better. Ingredients inside jasmine rice contains substances that help the body's metabolic system work more efficiently. 6. Helps strengthen the immune system. Because jasmine rice is high in vitamin E Thus helping the immune system work better And reduce the incidence of colds. 7. Helps to nourish the skin. Jasmine rice contains ceramides That has properties that help make the skin softer to the touch, reduce freckles and dark spots, and more importantly help slow down wrinkles. Makes the skin look younger. Thanyathip Intertrade Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Nanaphan Group Focus on carefully selecting raw materials Committed to inspecting the quality of products in every process to be clean, safe, free of contamination before passing on to consumers. With a service to deliver products to customers with a fast and convenient service Until it has gained the trust and support of the business partners. Major traders A small group of merchants, Thanyathip's Jasmine Rice is available in different sizes and sizes for you to choose from. Take care of your family members by buying good quality rice. For people in your family to eat Interested to order jasmine rice, Thanyathip brand, good quality jasmine rice Full of nutrients Long grain, white, clear, shiny, clean, safe, without contamination Interested to order premium quality jasmine rice You can contact to order at


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