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salted egg It's a preserve. Very often use duck eggs. Soak them in saline solution or apply them to saline solution. In order to keep eggs longer. Salted duck eggs made from salted water will smel...
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orange. If the egg is a different taste and taste. The egg yolks are less concentrated than eggs. Duck eggs can be used for cooking. After boiling or steaming, put on porridge, eat with rice, or fried to fry. The taste. White eggs are salty. While egg yolks are tastier and less salty than egg yolks, salted egg yolks are often made into a filling of mooncakes. It is a symbol of the moon

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กลุ่มวิสาหกิจชุนชน ต.แร่

Member Name : Miss ปรีญานุช เติมประชุม เบอร์โทร / Line / Email

Miss ปรีญานุช เติมประชุม เบอร์โทร / Line / Email

ที่อยู่ 231 หมู่ 10 หมู่บ้าน แร่

: match1989

salted egg It's a preserve. Very often use duck eggs. Soak them in saline solution or apply them to saline solution. In order to keep eggs longer. Salted duck eggs made from salted water will smell salty. Eggs are tight and smooth. While the yolk is reddish


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